DMP and Minor Programs

Double Major

Double major programs in the university are in accordance with the regulations.

Students between the 3rd and 5th semesters of their own undergraduate programs and whose GPA is at least 70 out of 100 and who are in the top 20% in terms of success ranking in the relevant class of the major diploma program can apply for the second major diploma program.

The degree of success in the double major program does not affect the student's success in their own program and their graduation degree.


Minor programs in the university are in accordance with the regulations.

Minor programs are opened in the undergraduate programs at the beginning of each academic year upon the proposal of the relevant departments, faculty and vocational school boards and with the approval of the senate.

Students can apply to the minor program between the 3rd and 6th semester of their own major undergraduate program.

Students who have successfully completed all the courses until the semester that they apply in their own undergraduate program, can apply to the minor program.

The student's GPA in the major program must be at least 65 out of 100 at the application.